Cheese tier list 🧀

Exactly what the title says created at 3.41 am 12 of may cuz i cant stop thinking about cheese

#1, Halloumi: Been my fave for years now. Used to have a really weird addiction and my parents had to stop buying it cuz id finish a pack in like 3 minutes and we'd get into arguments over it. Love how salty and rubbery it is, whoever invented it gets a kiss

#2, Mozzarella: Addiction number 2. Have eaten multiple of these straight out the bag. Insane stomach pains but i never cared and wont start caring now either!!!!!!!!!!¡ Again, rubbery and salty and very cool when melted. It becomes so silly when melted really nice

#3, Cottagecheese: Cucumber slices and this bad boy. My poorest meal, yet truly the best meal. Sadly isnt really salty but thats why salt exists. Not as rubbery as the other 2 HOWEVER still has that satisfying texture 

#4, Feta: So many memories. Many of them not really significant but will forever remember sitting outside on the balcony w grandma and grandpa in the summer nights, talking about everything and anything while we ate feta w watermelon and the summer breez cooled us down. Will also always remember when mom would make me greek salad and use feta kai paksimadia alla den mou arese to ladi. Comfort food. Always love drinking the juice simce its also salty

#5, Brie: So so so good but i have to eat the mold separately cuz the two tastes combined freak me out. It can become a littel too much from time to time and also sad it isnt more salty but so good w honey and grapes 

UPDATE: After buying 2 wheels of brie cheese and consistently eating them for the past 3 weeks ive come to the conclusion that it should be placed at #2 but i couldnt find an easy way to change the placing so as of now brie is gonna stay here

#6, Parmesan: I have to be in a certain mood. Dont like how much mess it creates and how it feels kinda chalky raw, however I do appreciate the aroma and weird taste

#7, Cheddar: Another i need to be in the mood for it cheese. Such a cool and silly color but it can become too much too fast. Overwhelming taste, overwhelming smell but god it's so good when im genuinely in the mood for it
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