Onion in fridge
This blog is detected [dedicated lmafo] to the onion in my fridge that i bought roughly a year ago to make homemade hamburgers.
I bought a pack of two, however it seemed that one was enough so I decided to save the other for a future dish. Sadly I have this bad habit of forgetting food in my fridge exists plus Im a littel bit lazy so I ended up never using the onion. As other food got moldy, I threw it aaway but one had a prophecy to complete.
The onion started to show tiny sings of sprouting, thus I decided to spare it just to see how far it would grow. Now everyone can see it's journey teehee :3
Most recent pic
February 21
25 February
12 March
1 April
30 April
1st of june
16 June f. Sparkles
24 June